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Mini Stroller Strides

May 24, 2024 10:30am

Join F4M Naperville for Stroller Strides- a full-body workout class for mom with interactive songs and movement for the kids!

We love that our littlest striders want to be a part of their momma's workout! So, we're having a Mini Stroller Strides class just for them!

Grab a push cart or mini stroller and get excited for the kiddos to participate in their own little workout! Don’t forget the stuffed animals or baby doll toy to ride along for those tickles.

Aaaaan don't forget the camera!!

Register here for class: https://fit4mom-naperville.pike13.com/e/205138615

Strides is a full-body, interactive workout complete with songs, bubbles and entertainment for kiddo + cardio, strength training and core work for you. Stroller Strides is perfect for the postnatal mom as well as the prenatal momma as all our instructors are certified to ensure mom gets a safe and effective workout no matter the age or stage of motherhood.

Questions? Email lpedecone@fit4mom.com