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Hanna Gregory - December 2023

Introduce us to your family!

My husband Greg and I have been married for 5 years and we have three crazy kiddos, Dean (4), Annie (2), and Gus (15mo).

How long have you been a member of F4M Naperville? What made you come to your first class and which classes have you participated in?

I took my first Stroller Strides class when Dean was 6 weeks old! I still vividly remember walking into class early (who me?) and Lauren telling me, "This crew really isn't on time - they'll all come in right at 9:30" and I immediately knew I had found my village :) I was the first of my friends to have a baby and was so desperate for mom friends. My older sister encouraged me to try and find a local mom group and I found F4M Naperville. I have attended Strides, Barre, 360, Ignite, Cardio Ignite, and participated in last year's mini Body Well holiday session.

What are your favorite things to do with your family?

We love being active! Walks, bike rides, playing outside, walking 600 laps around the zoo, you name it, we'll do it. We live for our popcorn movie nights on Fridays too!

What would you say to a mom considering joining our village?

Do it! I'll go with you! Even as adults it can be so terrifying to jump into something new but take the leap! There is always someone who can relate to what you're going through and has been through the same season of life. In addition to having a class type for everyone, there are so many events, playgroups, and more to get you out of the house! You can come as you are, 45 minutes late, unshowered, and nobody bats an eye. Trust me, I've done it!

What has been your biggest gain since joining FIT4MOM Naperville?

Confidence in parenting! I've noticed very recently that I am able to offer advice and respond to more and more questions on the village page based on my own experiences with my kiddos. I have so much respect for all of the veteran F4M moms and hope to be as welcoming and helpful to new mamas as they were to me! This village has truly helped me through some of the hardest times (hello Gus's dramatic pregnancy) and been there to celebrate the good ones. As cliche as it sounds, I truly would not be the mom or the person I am today without F4M Naperville.