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Kimberly Desmond - July 2024

Introduce us to your family!

My husband Neil and I have been married for 7 years this fall and we have two energetic, silly, kind boys- Marshall (4) and George (2).

How long have you been a member of F4M Naperville? What made you come to your first class and which classes have you participated in?

I joined F4M Naperville in the spring of 2021, when my oldest turned 1 and the world began opening back up more. Having a newborn during the pandemic was a really tough adventure and made for a lonely first year of motherhood. I joined F4M in hopes of making friends in the area and finding the village I heard so many people talk about when raising kids. My first class was an evening 360 class with Nina, and I loved it from the start! That summer with a teacher class pass, I was able to bring my son and start to meet more mamas with kids similar in age, and I was hooked! Since then, I have participated in 3 sessions of Body Well and continue to attend Boost, and during summer break I love joining 360 classes!

What are your favorite things to do with your family?

We love spending time playing outside in all kinds of weather- bikes and power wheels around the cul de sac, family walks, & soccer in the yard. During the busy school year, we all look forward to pizza Friday family movie nights together.

What would you say to a mom considering joining our village?

Be brave and join! I remember feeling nervous at my first class since I did not know anyone in F4M, and self-conscious about how long it had been since I'd worked out. During my first classes I was amazed at how friendly and welcoming all the moms were, and I loved seeing women from all stages and ages of motherhood supporting each other and enjoying being active together. Through this village, I found the most supportive, friendly, nonjudgmental community and my biggest regret is not joining sooner!

What has been your biggest gain since joining FIT4MOM Naperville?

The two things that come to mind when I think of what I've gained through F4M are confidence and mom friends. I have found such a wonderful group of friends through this village, and love raising our families together & having each other to lean on during this motherhood adventure. And then confidence: Each Body Well session I end up learning something new and gaining muscle and endurance, and continuing to participate in Boost helps me feel confident in myself and my strength. My boys see me active and know that "mama goes to exercise" and I am so proud when I see them mimicking what they've seen us moms do in class. I am proud of the healthy lifestyle F4M has helped us build for our family.